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Question 4: Include the Python prompt, or not. It doesn’t matter

Question 5b: The column headers for degrees and radians are swapped. Please correct this.

Quesiton 3: It says “write the definition of a Python function”. You should know what this means. Just follow the instructions.

Quesiton 5b: YOU MAY ASSUME that all of the code for your answer to Question 3 has already appeared in the file (i.e. any imports you did there, and the function definition for deg2rad are already done. Just write the test cases.

Quesiton 9: YOU MAY ASSUME that your starting point is a terminal session with Unix/Linux shell prompt.

Question 3 and 5b: In case it wasn’t clear, by saying “in the context of an appropriate import statement”, I’m saying “if you need and import statement, YOU NEED TO INCLUDE IT IN YOUR CODE”.