CS8 F17
(as it would appear on official course roster)
Umail address: @umail.ucsb.edu
Optional: name you wish to be called
if different from name above.
Optional: name of "homework buddy"
(leaving this blank signifies "I worked alone"

ic02: Planning your tree for project01

ready? assigned due points
true Tue 10/17 09:30AM Tue 10/17 01:50PM

You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".

There is NO MAKEUP for missed assignments, and you may not submit work in advance, or on behalf of another person.
In place of that, we drop the four lowest scores (if you have zeros, those are the four lowest scores.)

THE FINE PRINT: This worksheet is to be completed in lab on 10/17. If you complete it in lab and turn it in, it will be graded and available online for you to refer to by 5pm Saturday 10/21/2017.

If you miss lab this day, you can make this assignment up ONLY by completing it and turning it in one week from today, during lab on 10/24/2017. Failing to turn it in then will result in it being one of your zeros (remember that you get to drop four of them.)

  1. (10 pts) Please fill in the information at the top of this homework sheet, as usual. WRITE DARK, and remember, if you MUST submit it on multiple sheets, JUST write your name at the top of both sheets and turn in both sheets UNCONNECTED. No staples, paper clips, fold/tear etc or anything that would jam up the scanner.

  2. Please look over the instructions for project01 at http://ucsb-cs8-f17.github.io/lab/project01 and then plan out your tree by answering the following question

    Have a TA or instructor review your work. Then you can use it as a basis to code your solution to project01. There are more grids on the back for part c (in case you spoil one of them and need to start over). If you use more than one grid please mark which one you would like to be graded. Your first task is to determine the coordinates of the four corners of a bounding box for your tree. Assume that the bottom left corner of the bounding box is (startX, startY) which is also the position of the turtle when your drawTree() function is called. You are only given the starting location of the turtle (startX, startY) and the height of the tree: height. Notice that you can choose any width for the tree that scales with the height of the tree (taller trees must be wider)

    a. (15 pts) Fill in the blanks on the next page to determine the width of the tree in terms of the height and the coordinates for the top right corner (topRightX, topRightY) and the bottom right corner (bottomRightX, bottomRightY) of the bounding box. The coordinates for the top and bottom right corners must be expressed in terms of: startX, startY, width and height

    bounding box

    width = _________________
    topLeftX = startX 
    topLeftY = startY + height
    topRightX =   ______________
    topRightY =    _____________
    bottomRightX = _____________
    bottomRightY = _____________

    b. (5 pts) Label the coordinates of the points in the given diagram (4 corners of the bounding box) as (startX, startY), (topLeftX, topLeftY), (topRightX, topRightY), (bottomRightX, bottomRightY)

    tree coords

    c. (70 pts) Label the coordinates of all the points in the figure on the left and write Python assignment statments below to quantify them in terms of startX, startY, width and height

    tree coords

    c. Label the coordinates of all the points in the figure on the left and write Python assignment statments below to quantify them in terms of startX, startY, width and height